新連載「ふたつの中心」(2ページ)が、雑誌「暮しの手帖」最新号(第16号 / 2022年2–3月号)よりはじまりました。茂木綾子が旅や暮らしのなかで切り取った新作とテキストで構成するフォトストーリーです。連載の題字は、料理家のどいちなつさんが書いてくれました。
→ 雑誌「暮しの手帖」
→ 雑誌「暮しの手帖」
The new serial “Two Centers” in 2 pages will start from the latest issue of “Kurashi no Techo” magazine (No16 / early spring 2022). It is a photo story composed of new works and text that Ayako Mogi has captured in her travels and life. The title of the series was handwritten by Chinatsu Doi.
This issue also features a 6-page interview with nonfiction writer Naoko Watanabe. It is a worthwhile article that introduces Ayako Mogi’s activities to date from her point of view. Please enjoy reading it.
→ Magazine “Kurashi no Techo”
This issue also features a 6-page interview with nonfiction writer Naoko Watanabe. It is a worthwhile article that introduces Ayako Mogi’s activities to date from her point of view. Please enjoy reading it.
→ Magazine “Kurashi no Techo”