
Magazine ‘Coyote’ No.45
November 2010



夏の初め、友人たちの手を借りて二日をかけてノマド村のある廃校の校庭に建ち上げ、その中で「テシゴトノオト handwork sounds」展を開きました。近所の農家や漁港のおばさん、宮大工に布団職人、陶芸家など今も手仕事にたずさわる島の人たちを訪ね、その仕事ぶりをノマド村のスタッフ3人がそれぞれ映像と音と写真で作品化し、ユルテの中で合体させるという試み。訪れた人たちにはどんなひと夏の体験になったでしょう?


❶ ブロックか石を敷石として置き、その上にパーツごとに分かれた床板を円形に貼っていく。
❷ 格子状の側面材(格子のジョイントは紐でくくってあるだけなので、横に引っ張ると広がる)を円形の床の端に沿って建て、つなぎ目を紐でくくり、幅広の帯で側面全体を外側からしばりつける。
❸ 扉と扉の枠を取りつけたら、天井を支える木枠と側面材の上部と、天井を支える丸棒をひとつひとつ紐でしばって骨格を築く。
❹ コットンの布でテント全体を上から覆い、次にフェルト、防水のコットン布、さらに薄手のコットン布と4枚の布を重ね、外側からロープで全体をしばりつける。
❹ 丸天井に換気用の隙間をつくるために小さい角材をかませ、その上にプレキシーグラスを載せ、木枠を紐でしばったら完成!

photographs & text by Ayako Mogi

This Mongolian tent is called a yurt in Europe, or a pao or ger in Japan. When I was living in Switzerland, I had one made for me for about one million yen by a Swiss woman who was so fascinated by it that she started to make her own, and at one time I built it in my garden and used it as a bedroom.

In the original structure of the yurt, the roof is supported by four pillars from the wooden frame of the vault, but she designed it so that it could be supported only by the framework of the roof, and reworked it into an ultra-simple and minimalist shelter, complete with only white wooden timbers tied together with strings and ropes, except for the vault, which is covered with plexiglass and layers of white cotton and felt.

At the beginning of the summer, with the help of my friends, I spent two days building it in the yard of an abandoned school in Nomad Village, where I held the “Teshigoto no otoko handwork sounds” exhibition. Three Nomade Village staff members created video, sound, and photographic works of their work, and combined them in Yurt. What kind of summer experience was this for the people who visited?

Nomad Village style Mongolian tent
How to build a “yurte

❶ Place blocks or stones as paving stones, and put floorboards divided into parts in a circular shape on top of them.
❷ Build the lattice-shaped side panels (the lattice joints are only attached with string, so they expand when pulled sideways) along the edge of the circular floor, tie the joints together with string, and tie the entire side from the outside with a wide band.
❸ After attaching the door and door frame, build the framework by tying the wooden frame supporting the ceiling, the top of the side materials, and the round bar supporting the ceiling together one by one with string.
❹ Cover the entire tent with cotton cloth, then felt, waterproof cotton cloth, and thin cotton cloth, and tie them all together with rope from the outside. Place a small piece of square wood on the ceiling to create a ventilation gap, place a piece of plexiglass on top of the square wood, tie the wooden frame with string, and you’re done!