根が不精なので、座禅やジョギング、日記など日課をつくってはみてもなにひとつ続かない。夫のヴェルナーも同じで、座禅や瞑想はもちろんのこと、早起きして湖に泳ぎに行くのも三日が限界。そういうのを日本では「三日坊主(a Three-day monk)」と言うのだよと教えてあげたら、それはまさに俺のことだと情けなさそうに笑っていた。
スイスのヴィラ付きの土地ラ・コルビエールへ、天にも昇るような興奮とともにミュンヘンから引っ越してきて、サーカスワゴンでの不思議な暮らしが始まってからはや9か月が過ぎた。次々と仲間が去ってゆき、お化け屋敷のようなヴィラをどう扱ってよいやら、身悶えしながら悩み続け、難産の末にアートプロジェクト「village nomad(ノマド村)」が生まれた。
テーマは「aujour d’hui(今日だけ)」。200通ほど招待状を送り、数百人から応募があった。
出資者のレースは招待状に、「アートとは、丸い部屋の角におしっこをしようとするようなものだ」と書いた。無いものねだりという意味だろうか。見えないものを見ようとしたり、知り得ないことを知ろうと悪あがきした痕跡がアートだと言いたいのかもしれない。〈jour par jour(今日のための今日)カンパニー〉のレース、クリストフ、ヴェルナーと私の4人に、7か月間生活するマリオン、シュテファン、イルミを合わせた7人がホスト役。買い物用のクレジットカードの番号もなぜか7並びで、7の偶然に襲われたのも幸運の兆しかもしれない。
Ce moment n’est pa le même.
根が不精なので、座禅やジョギング、日記など日課をつくってはみてもなにひとつ続かない。夫のヴェルナーも同じで、座禅や瞑想はもちろんのこと、早起きして湖に泳ぎに行くのも三日が限界。そういうのを日本では「三日坊主(a Three-day monk)」と言うのだよと教えてあげたら、それはまさに俺のことだと情けなさそうに笑っていた。
スイスのヴィラ付きの土地ラ・コルビエールへ、天にも昇るような興奮とともにミュンヘンから引っ越してきて、サーカスワゴンでの不思議な暮らしが始まってからはや9か月が過ぎた。次々と仲間が去ってゆき、お化け屋敷のようなヴィラをどう扱ってよいやら、身悶えしながら悩み続け、難産の末にアートプロジェクト「village nomad(ノマド村)」が生まれた。
テーマは「aujour d’hui(今日だけ)」。200通ほど招待状を送り、数百人から応募があった。
出資者のレースは招待状に、「アートとは、丸い部屋の角におしっこをしようとするようなものだ」と書いた。無いものねだりという意味だろうか。見えないものを見ようとしたり、知り得ないことを知ろうと悪あがきした痕跡がアートだと言いたいのかもしれない。〈jour par jour(今日のための今日)カンパニー〉のレース、クリストフ、ヴェルナーと私の4人に、7か月間生活するマリオン、シュテファン、イルミを合わせた7人がホスト役。買い物用のクレジットカードの番号もなぜか7並びで、7の偶然に襲われたのも幸運の兆しかもしれない。
Ce moment n’est pa le même.
photographs & text by Ayako Mogi
There is something that has become a habit for me these days. I go to bed at night, turn off the lights, close my eyes, and stare into the darkness. Is it a strange expression to say that I can see the darkness? But my feeling is that I am looking at a lifeless blackness.
Whenever I try to look at the darkness, conversations, noises, and images of the people I was with earlier start to flash in my mind, and my consciousness is completely occupied. When I am excited or worried about something, it hits me even harder and I can’t sleep. Even though I managed to focus my mind and gradually eliminate the images and noises, the words would not disappear until the end. In spite of my will, the chatter continued to rumble on and on.
Surprisingly, the brain functions independently of our desires and intentions. No matter how much you wish not to die, if you get sick, your body will die on its own. So sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but sometimes you can get a few seconds or minutes of silence and darkness.
The secret is to just hold your breath, be aware, and wait. Gazing into the lifeless darkness, you want to stay in that deep peace. In the morning, the white light shines through again, and I am so tired of having to get up and go out into the flood of colors, sounds, routines, people, work, society, and rules.
I’m a slacker at heart, so I’ve tried to create routines such as zazen, jogging, and journaling, but nothing seems to stick. My husband, Werner, is the same way. Not only does he do zazen and meditation, but he also wakes up early and goes swimming in the lake, but only for three days. When I told him that in Japan such a thing is called “a three-day monk,” he laughed miserably and said that was exactly what I was doing.
This “laziness meditation” devised by such a three-day monk is surprisingly continuing. The best thing about it is that I can fall asleep right away. There is no way that this method can lead to enlightenment, but it is a nice discovery that I can now feel the power of darkness in a real way through a moment of unity.
It has been nine months since I moved from Munich to La Corbiere, a villa estate in Switzerland, with a sense of heavenly excitement, and began my mysterious life in the circus wagon. It has been nine months since we started our strange life in the circus wagon. One after another, our friends left us, and we kept agonizing over how to handle the haunted villa.
The project lasted for seven months, from May 1 to November 30, for a total of 214 days (seven if you add these two, one, and four). Artists are invited to stay in Corbières for as long as they wish in each room of the villa (free of charge, of course, including meals), and enjoy not only their creations but also interaction with various people.
The theme of the event was “aujour d’hui” (just for today). 200 invitations were sent out, and several hundred people applied.
Race, one of the investors, wrote in the invitation, “Art is like trying to pee in the corner of a round room. It’s like trying to pee in the corner of a round room. Perhaps he means to say that art is the traces of our attempts to see what we cannot see, or to know what we cannot know. The four members of the “jour par jour” company, Lace, Christoph, Werner, and I, plus Marion, Stefan, and Ilmi, who will be living with us for seven months, are the seven hosts. For some reason, the numbers on our shopping credit cards were also in a row of seven, which may be a sign of good fortune that we were struck by the coincidence of seven.
Werner decorated the front wall of the tower with a blue neon sign.
Ce moment n’est pa le même.
It’s a Zen-like phrase thought up by a three-day monk, which is equivalent to the Japanese phrase “once in a lifetime,” so a neon sign is about right. The first thing people see when they arrive at the Corbières is this blue neon sign and a white flag with two holes in it like eyeballs fluttering on top of a tower (the work of a friend named Aphra).
Writers, thinkers, musicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, actors, theater troupes, photographers, filmmakers, cooks, activists, journalists, curators, circus people, and all sorts of other people come and go in this nomad village. It’s a beautiful place to live in nature and villas with people who happen to be together, away from their normal lives.
Some people said that they were freed from worrying about their wallets, cell phones, and keys here, but the positive response was that it was a more refreshing experience than they had expected, even if only for a moment, to forget about such worries and live and work under one roof with strangers. The rules for daily chores, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc., were kept to a minimum so that everyone could naturally cooperate with each other, so there was not much of a stuffy atmosphere. The atmosphere of the place changes slightly depending on the sensitivity, cooperation, and work of the people staying that day, but there is no distinction between adults and children, and the art, daily chores, and daily meals all become equally important.
This winter, our lives have changed 180 degrees from the days when our family of four lived alone in a circus wagon under a big tree. From excitement to despair and back to excitement again. I was worried about the effect that such an extreme change would have on the children, but my older daughter, Lina, quickly learned to speak French as she went to school. During the summer, many of the children stayed with us, and we were able to earn quite a bit of money by imitating the adults and putting on our own children’s circus, plays, and puppet shows.
However, once this project is over in a while, there is no plan for next year. I may be at a loss again. But that’s okay. Ever since I changed my mindset to live only thinking about today, the project has been going well. You may fall down and feel pain, but there is a great possibility that you will pick up something on the road. Something to pick up along the way.
Today, a French group called Larinia is making a work of art by stretching a number of white plastic packing strings in parallel from the window of the villa to the trees in the garden. When the wind blows, it makes a very loud buzzing sound, transforming the villa and garden into a giant guitar. The Nomad Village became a playground for adults and children, with many people coming and going. I wondered if the ghosts in the villa were happy to see us.
Our caravan goes on.
There is something that has become a habit for me these days. I go to bed at night, turn off the lights, close my eyes, and stare into the darkness. Is it a strange expression to say that I can see the darkness? But my feeling is that I am looking at a lifeless blackness.
Whenever I try to look at the darkness, conversations, noises, and images of the people I was with earlier start to flash in my mind, and my consciousness is completely occupied. When I am excited or worried about something, it hits me even harder and I can’t sleep. Even though I managed to focus my mind and gradually eliminate the images and noises, the words would not disappear until the end. In spite of my will, the chatter continued to rumble on and on.
Surprisingly, the brain functions independently of our desires and intentions. No matter how much you wish not to die, if you get sick, your body will die on its own. So sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but sometimes you can get a few seconds or minutes of silence and darkness.
The secret is to just hold your breath, be aware, and wait. Gazing into the lifeless darkness, you want to stay in that deep peace. In the morning, the white light shines through again, and I am so tired of having to get up and go out into the flood of colors, sounds, routines, people, work, society, and rules.
I’m a slacker at heart, so I’ve tried to create routines such as zazen, jogging, and journaling, but nothing seems to stick. My husband, Werner, is the same way. Not only does he do zazen and meditation, but he also wakes up early and goes swimming in the lake, but only for three days. When I told him that in Japan such a thing is called “a three-day monk,” he laughed miserably and said that was exactly what I was doing.
This “laziness meditation” devised by such a three-day monk is surprisingly continuing. The best thing about it is that I can fall asleep right away. There is no way that this method can lead to enlightenment, but it is a nice discovery that I can now feel the power of darkness in a real way through a moment of unity.
It has been nine months since I moved from Munich to La Corbiere, a villa estate in Switzerland, with a sense of heavenly excitement, and began my mysterious life in the circus wagon. It has been nine months since we started our strange life in the circus wagon. One after another, our friends left us, and we kept agonizing over how to handle the haunted villa.
The project lasted for seven months, from May 1 to November 30, for a total of 214 days (seven if you add these two, one, and four). Artists are invited to stay in Corbières for as long as they wish in each room of the villa (free of charge, of course, including meals), and enjoy not only their creations but also interaction with various people.
The theme of the event was “aujour d’hui” (just for today). 200 invitations were sent out, and several hundred people applied.
Race, one of the investors, wrote in the invitation, “Art is like trying to pee in the corner of a round room. It’s like trying to pee in the corner of a round room. Perhaps he means to say that art is the traces of our attempts to see what we cannot see, or to know what we cannot know. The four members of the “jour par jour” company, Lace, Christoph, Werner, and I, plus Marion, Stefan, and Ilmi, who will be living with us for seven months, are the seven hosts. For some reason, the numbers on our shopping credit cards were also in a row of seven, which may be a sign of good fortune that we were struck by the coincidence of seven.
Werner decorated the front wall of the tower with a blue neon sign.
Ce moment n’est pa le même.
It’s a Zen-like phrase thought up by a three-day monk, which is equivalent to the Japanese phrase “once in a lifetime,” so a neon sign is about right. The first thing people see when they arrive at the Corbières is this blue neon sign and a white flag with two holes in it like eyeballs fluttering on top of a tower (the work of a friend named Aphra).
Writers, thinkers, musicians, painters, sculptors, dancers, actors, theater troupes, photographers, filmmakers, cooks, activists, journalists, curators, circus people, and all sorts of other people come and go in this nomad village. It’s a beautiful place to live in nature and villas with people who happen to be together, away from their normal lives.
Some people said that they were freed from worrying about their wallets, cell phones, and keys here, but the positive response was that it was a more refreshing experience than they had expected, even if only for a moment, to forget about such worries and live and work under one roof with strangers. The rules for daily chores, cooking, washing, cleaning, etc., were kept to a minimum so that everyone could naturally cooperate with each other, so there was not much of a stuffy atmosphere. The atmosphere of the place changes slightly depending on the sensitivity, cooperation, and work of the people staying that day, but there is no distinction between adults and children, and the art, daily chores, and daily meals all become equally important.
This winter, our lives have changed 180 degrees from the days when our family of four lived alone in a circus wagon under a big tree. From excitement to despair and back to excitement again. I was worried about the effect that such an extreme change would have on the children, but my older daughter, Lina, quickly learned to speak French as she went to school. During the summer, many of the children stayed with us, and we were able to earn quite a bit of money by imitating the adults and putting on our own children’s circus, plays, and puppet shows.
However, once this project is over in a while, there is no plan for next year. I may be at a loss again. But that’s okay. Ever since I changed my mindset to live only thinking about today, the project has been going well. You may fall down and feel pain, but there is a great possibility that you will pick up something on the road. Something to pick up along the way.
Today, a French group called Larinia is making a work of art by stretching a number of white plastic packing strings in parallel from the window of the villa to the trees in the garden. When the wind blows, it makes a very loud buzzing sound, transforming the villa and garden into a giant guitar. The Nomad Village became a playground for adults and children, with many people coming and going. I wondered if the ghosts in the villa were happy to see us.
Our caravan goes on.