Myōhō Rengekyō Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonbon


Myōhō Rengekyō Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonbon
→ Sangha forest Culture Publishing Co., LTD, Taiwan
→ Sogeisha

The “Myōhō Rengekyō Kanzeon Bosatsu Fumonbon” from the Ming Dynasty (1400), which is housed in the National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan, has been reproduced with excellent printing and binding by Taiwan’s Sangha forest Culture Publishing. We were asked to make a movie to promote the book, so we filmed Natsuo Yabuta, a binding artist at Sogeisha, making a sutra case “Chitsu (binding)” by hand with Nishijin drapery, and Noriyoshi Shibata of Koudenji Temple reading a sutra, and made a 3.5 minute movie.